We’re serious in what we do... in a fun way

We transform legacy systems, architect for the cloud and build successful products.


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CodeHouse brings together some of the smartest personal and professional creative minds in the world and makes them available to you.

Benjamin Smith
UX Designer
Emily Davis
Art Director
Matthew Johnson
Graphic Designer
Jessica Thompson
Project Manager
Christopher Williams
Front-end developer
Rachel Williams
Senior UX Designer
Elizabeth Jones
Back-end developer
Kathryn Murphy
Daniel Jones
Senior Designer

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With a diverse range of backgrounds and styles, we've got the perfect fit for any web design project. So why settle for mediocre when you can have the best?

Talk to Fastah™. We like to help.

Need help with IP-based geolocation, security, or personalization? 

We offer architectural guidance, integration assistance, or cloud-specific help on request.

Write to us for Enterprise plans.
